by MyBadges Team | Aug 7, 2018 | Conferences & Events, General Articles, Marketing Tips
Sponsorship Branding = Revenue DUH! Sponsorships make the world go round. You rely upon your sponsors (new and returning) to help you pull off each event you put together. According to this article from our friends over at Bizzabo Blog, 16% of eventprofs find...
by MyBadges Team | Aug 1, 2018 | General Articles
Product Spotlight – EventBadges This month, we want to showcase our EventBadges to you, as we are nearing full swing for the fall conference season. The standard has always been to print inserts, that go inside of our badge holders with attendee information,...
by MyBadges Team | Jul 2, 2018 | Featured, Products
Wish you could have the neck wallet for every event? We get it. Let’s face it – we all wish we could have the budget for the elusive neck wallets, however that is just not the case. *sigh* In the past, having a multiple pocket badge holder (such as our...
by MyBadges Team | Jun 5, 2018 | General Articles, Products
Industry standard, schmandard! Biggest complaint on what we consider the industry standard single clip lanyard? The flipping! Oh my gawwwwwd, the flipping! Can’t the badge just stay facing forward, for the love of! The noise! How can one product make so much...
by MyBadges Team | May 29, 2018 | General Articles, Marketing Tips
Facebook Follow Instagram Follow LinkedIn Follow Twitter Follow What is the meaning of Social Media? Social Media: Websites & applications that enable users to create & share content or to participate in social networking. Is it really that useful?...