Outside the box holidays for November
Sure, we have the standard holidays such as Thanksgiving in the US, along with Veterans Day (US) and Remembrance Day (Canada) – lest we forget. But there are also some fun holidays mixed in there you don’t want to miss! Plus, isn’t life just a little more fun when you step outside the box??
- November 9th is Chaos Never Dies Day. As conference and event planners, you guys all know how chaotic life can get, but you’re also supremely exceptional in making it seem like no big deal. I’m pretty certain this day must have been created by an #eventprof hah!
- November 12th is Chicken Soup for the Soul day “… A celebration of who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going …” according to the creators of Chicken Soup for The Soul. Eat some chicken soup while reading Chicken Soup for the Soul – what a combination!
- November 13th is World Kindness Day! Founded in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, it is meant to encourage everyone to look past differences to do something nice for a neighbor/stranger. I just recently was part of a chain of “pay it forward” at a Starbucks drive-through. It’s doing something nice for someone without them knowing who you are or why you did it.
- November 15th is clean out your refrigerator day. Our office just did that at the end of October …and we did, in fact, find some unidentifiable foods …? *blah*.
- November 23rd is the national day of listening. Reach out to someone and just listen. People from all sorts of walks of life have some pretty amazing stories to tell. Sit down after football and Thanksgiving dinner and soak in some stories from family members – you may be surprised at what you learn!
- November 29th is national square dance day. I am pretty certain the last time I square danced was in high school …because I had to. Ha! Little known fact – this dance originated in 17th century Europe!
Don’t forget that it is also “Movember” – the annual month of mustache growing to raise awareness for men’s health issues!
Check out the rest of the holidays below: